Category Archives: NEW ISSUE

Issue 70 is now UP!!!

I had a blast editing this issue. My new Internet allowed me to answer 98% of all submissions in ‘minutes to hours’ rather than days or weeks!!! So kool to get back to what used to be normal before I lost my provider. Thank you Elon Musk for giving me StarLink!!!!

Thanks also goes to a great batch of poets who sent me some interesting work, and a lot of one line senryu! I really enjoyed the time spent, and hope you all enjoy reading this issue as much as I did editing it. Some of you took some risks, and I took them with you!


Next month we have Kelly Sauvage, the newly minted editor who is joining Bryan as a Co-Editor will be editing this issue, so be sure to check the SUBMISSION GUIDES by the 5th of each month to stay in touch with what each of us, or our ‘guest failed editor’ is looking for.



Issue 69 is UP!!!!

Hemapriya Chellappan has assembled a wonderful collection of linked forms and many fine collaborations. I want to thank her for bringing this issue off so imaginatively, and to all who submitted for giving us such a clear view of the whole spectrum of linked verse in haikai!!!!


ALSO, there is wonderful discussion on the use of ‘kigo’ in senryu by Roberta Beary. Don’t miss this thoughtful discussion of seasonality in senryu

Bryan, Kelly, Mike

Issue 64 is now UP! More Interviews on the way!

Issue 64 is another over 200 page issue with some really great work showcased. Byran Rickert outdid himself, or maybe the poets did, but in any case it is GREAT!!!

AND, for poetry month in April we will have three more interviews with some great poets, authors, and editors. Will be posting them over this month AND some more video surprises!

Mike Rehling, Bryan Rickert’s administrative assistant!!!

Issue 54 is now UP!!!

I want to thank Praniti Gulyani for being our Guest Editor for this issue! Wow, she brought a lot of energy and creativity to both the topic she selected and to her role as an editor. I think a fine young poet is on her way to being a fine editor as well! Take a look at this issue and enjoy the work that all of these fine poets have created.

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Issue 49 is UP!

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Failed Haiku enters the FIFTH YEAR! Thanks to all of you who submit your work, all of you who read our work around the world, and to the many ‘guest’ Editors who have allowed me to survive my weak ass Internet! Bless you, all!

We are beefing up our presence on YouTube and would be REALLY REALLY GRATEFUL if you all of you would Subscribe to our channel. You will not get emails unless you want them, but you will help us reach more folks on search engines and within YouTube who are searching for senryu.

Without further ado, Here is Issue 49 of FailedHaiku!

HOLD YOUR SUBMISSIONS! We will have TWO guest editors next month!!! Be sure to check the Submission Guides before you submit!

Again, have a great and safe NEW YEAR!


Issue 48 is now UP!

My thanks to Sonam Chhoki for becoming a ‘Failed Editor’ for this issue!!! Some wonderful haibun from some of my favorite poets in the form! Bowing!

Next month your wild one Failed Editor returns! I am still shaky and have no firm diagnosis, but I am taking some medications to relive a chunk of the pain (no not opioids), and my medical team is the best. Senryu is a ‘cure’ I think! 😉

That said, let’s make this an OPEN CALL for submission. We will be accepting submissions for the January 1 issue from the 10th to the 25th of December!

Peace and Happy Shopping on Cyber Monday!
