Monthly Archives: December 2021

The Winter Issue #73 Is Up!

Thank you all for being a part of making this the best holiday season OF MY LIFE!!!! I couldn’t be more grateful. It was an honor to read of your winter joys, sorrows, and, yes, shenanigans over more than a few Dirty Kerouacs at a quaint little coffee shop outside of Detroit while visiting my new family over the holidays.

Editor Kelly Sauvage

Looking ahead, please hold your submissions until January 10th. We have a special issue in store for you, so be sure to check out the submission guidelines in a few days.

Most importantly, we wish you a very Happy New Year!!!!

Bryan and Kelly… and the old man with the beard

Happy Holidays from Failed Haiku

“poets yeggs and thirsties”, as E.E. CUMMINGS once announced in a poem of his, we at Failed Haiku wish you all a wonderful holiday season however and wherever you celebrate it!!!

Kelly Sauvage is still accepting submissions until midnight on Christmas Day, so if you have not yet bombarded her with your best senryu based work PLEASE DO!

Bryan Rickert is tending to his family and drinking lots of fresh roasted and brewed coffee, and getting ready to get back into the saddle next year!

Mike Rehling is watching the snowfall in the forest that is his backyard and recording in short poems the antics of squirrels. More videos SOON!

Looking for something to read and enjoy while we muster through the holidays and the New Year? Here are some suggestions:

  1. Don’t forget the lastest issue guest edited by Roberta Beary, and full of great haibun. CLICK HERE
  2. How about a good dose of SciKu??? Jay Friedenberg has a free eBook out “Sci-Ku: Explorations into the Poetry of Science” CLICK HERE
  3. How about reading the ‘back issues’ of Failed Haiku??? CLICK HERE
  4. How about visiting the Failed Haiku YouTube Channel??? CLICK HERE

Have a wonderful season, and please know that we all love and care for our poets and our readers at Failed Haiku!

Kelly, Bryan, and Mike

An Interview with Roberta Beary on Haibun

I had the pleasure of again discussing haibun with Roberta Beary who edited the ‘haibun only’ issue of Failed Haiku. We discussed best practices in submissions and the things she looked for in this making her selections for this issue. Check it out on Youtube! CLICK HERE!

We discuss with her the ways poets can improve their odds of acceptance, and hone their craft. Roberta is the Haibun Editor for Modern Haiku and has judged contests, and of course, contributed her own work to many publications both print and online. She has also been the Ambassador of The Haiku Foundation and spoke and traveled to haiku groups in the USA and Europe. In this issue, she has collected single examples from some of the best poets in the Haibun world. Enjoy Issue 72.

Haibun Today (archive of past issues) Contemporary Haibun Drifting Sands Haibun

Mike Rehling
Founder Failed Haiku

Winter: Sins, Sorrows and Shenanigans

You did what with Aunt Myrtle’s fruitcake?!?!

This month, we invite you to submit your finest senryu pertaining to winter. Give us your wildest antics, your deepest insights, your snow angels and devils, your Wolf Moon howling. As always, experimentation and authenticity are encouraged and exalted.

Submissions accepted December 10th through the 25th.

Issue 72 (Haibun Issue) is now UP!

Issue 72 is full of haibun, and just haibun. Our guest editor Roberta Beary has put together a collection that is worth you spending some time to go from the beginning to the end in one reading.

And, look for a new Video soon!!! You will not want to miss it.
