Monthly Archives: October 2016


Well, the results are IN, and the winners and honorable mentions in the Jane Reichhold Haiga Competition have now been notified.  Check your email, and if you have not been notified then you are free to submit your work elsewhere. The entries were all stunning! The winners, and the judges write ups will be published in Prune Juice Journal and Failed Haiku on November 5th!

Submissions for Failed Haiku will CLOSE on November 1st for the November 5th issue! Remember, this is our Guy Fawkes Day edition, so it will be a ‘BANG UP’ issue. It is already larger than any of our past issues, and we still have some time to go, so get your submissions in quickly to be a part of it.

We have thousands of downloads every single month, and with back issues our circulation is booming. Feel free to pass the word!
