Monthly Archives: June 2017

Issue 19 is UP, and the Murtha Contest Results are IN! Big issue!

Poets, yeggs, and thirsties!!! If you are ready to ‘binge read senryu’, then this issue will fill you to the BRIM!

We have:

A short article by Anita Virgil!

A video of haiga by Alexis Rotella!

Almost 170 pages of sernyuish poems!



My Internet is back, and I am ‘almost’ caught up!!! Reading and getting back to everyone in the next two days is the goal. Many of you already have your responses. Been reading all day and getting tired right now, and I NEVER read other people’s work when I am exhausted!

Will be back on the case tomorrow morning!

We WILL publish on time!!!

Some really great work coming in, and I am stoked to be reading your work!



The digital divide….

My Internet provider is not providing the Internet to me with any regularity. Since I am a thirty minute drive from the ‘real world’ where the Internet is freely available and reliable I am having to ‘make do’.

For this reason I am behind any reading for the last three weeks, and will be imposing a HARD DEADLINE for submissions this month of:  June 25th at Midnight Eastern Daylight Time. We WILL publish on time, as usual, but I just need to have time to review everything.

Sorry for the delay folks, but I do ‘everything’ in the cloud, and have for years, so we just are where we are for now. For the record my provider ‘says’ they are ‘enhancing’ our system and it will be stable soon. 🙂

Some wonderful work coming in, and I thank you all for being understanding!



Winners of the H. Gene Murtha Memorial Senryu Contest selected!


Steve Hodge, editor of Prune Juice Journal, and I, have completed the judging for the contest! The the three prize winners have been sent email notifications! The poems will be published in the July 1 issues of PJ and FH.

This year, we decided to change things up a bit, and will be publishing the ENTIRE short list from the contest. There are four or five dozen poems on the ‘short list’, and we will include them when we release the results. In the next forty eight hours I will get the emails out to everyone, but since we judged this ‘blind’ I have to do a lot of back and forth to get the names attached to the poems correctly.

We just thought there were so many great senryu on the list that it did not seem fair to not acknowledge the work of those poets as well.

We want to thank EVERYONE who submitted, but you did make it tough on us to pick the winners. Some wonderful poets, and Gene would be very happy that all of you are carrying on the form that he loved so much.

Steve Hodge and Mike Rehling