Monthly Archives: May 2020

Issue 54 is now UP!!!

I want to thank Praniti Gulyani for being our Guest Editor for this issue! Wow, she brought a lot of energy and creativity to both the topic she selected and to her role as an editor. I think a fine young poet is on her way to being a fine editor as well! Take a look at this issue and enjoy the work that all of these fine poets have created.

Fifth Annual H. Gene Murtha Contest

Brent Goodman, Editor of Prune Juice Journal, and I will be judges for the Murtha Contest this year. PLEASE READ THE RULES, and we look forward to seeing your work!

Murtha Contest Rules

H. Gene Murtha did not ‘invent’ senryu nor did he write papers on the subject. That was not his style! Instead, he wrote wonderfully revealing and sensitive poems about his first love, nature, and all the complex pieces of his own life. His poems teach us still.

Before his death, he put out Biding Time, a PDF collection of some of his work and told me to ‘put it out there’ so people would have something to remember him by. It has been on my servers ever since! Check it out at the link below.

Click to access BIDING%20TIME%20H.%20Gene%20Murtha.pdf



FINALLY! Issue 53 is UP!

Your failures were many, but now the resurrection is complete! Issue 53 has given some of your cherished failures a NEW LIFE! Read and enjoy it!

WE HAVE A GUEST EDITOR FOR THE JUNE ISSUE! Check out the Submission Guides for the rules of the road this month!!!

The Murtha Contest Rules will be posted soon! Get ready!!!

Working on the May issue!

I just returned from a short hospital stay. I still have some things to sort out, but for now, I am stable. This is related to a heart issue that is tied to genetics, and my father had the same issue. I have doctors who are holistically oriented and working with me. Lots of tests seem to indicate a difficult to diagnose treatment and they can’t seem to put a finger on the actual ’cause’. No worries. I will survive. I am working getting acceptances out for the May issue in two to three days. Then I have a ‘guest editor’ lined up for the June issue.

Also, the Murtha Contest will go on as planned. Brent Goodman and I are looking forward to seeing all your work.

So sorry for the delay. I will sort out these issues soon (I hope) and get things back on course.
