Monthly Archives: February 2017

Minding the Store!!!

A few words, and some unabashed shilling, if you don’t mind.

  1. I have to change the submission guidelines. I will be responding in ten days to submissions. I am reading over 1500 poems a month now, and although I absolutely love reading your work, I have to breath! I hope you all understand.
  2. The submission deadline will be the 25th of each month at Midnight Eastern Time. I simply need time to prep and review each edition. The one exception will be the November 5th (Guy Fawkes Issue), and all submissions must be in by the 1st of November, by Noon Eastern Time.
  3. Someone asked how long I would be doing this, and I am committed to 24 issues, in the current format. After that I will change the format for Failed Haiku. I am mulling over some ideas in my mind right now, but have not settled on any as of this moment. If you have a smart idea, email me your thoughts. I don’t want this zine to ‘go stale’, and I want your poetry to be widely read. Ideas from the poets are more than welcome.
  4. If you are wondering, I am working on an e-Book, of selected work from the first 12 issues now, and hope to have it up at the Amazon store in May. It may be sooner, but timing is not entirely in my control. The price will be as cheap as they allow me to make it, and ALL profits will go to Cancer Research. I repeat, I want your poems to be READ!
  5. I read a lot of collections of haiku and senryu. I would like to recommend two of them to you:

Ron Moss, who is a long time friend and inspiration has a new book out.”Bushfire Moon“, is simply one of the best collections I have read in years! That is saying something since I am a voracious reader of haiku! The link above will take you to Amazon, and it is free shipping for Prime Members! Don’t miss this one! My review carried a ‘guarantee’.

A Year Unfolding“, by Debbie Strange is a wonderful collection, by one of our best! I have known Debbie for years, and published many of her poems and haiga. I wrote a review of this one, and had the chance to see it prior to publication. This book of little poems would fit nicely on your bookshelf. Again, free shipping for Amazon Prime Members!

Peace folks… The new issue will be out on time on March 1st!!!
