Monthly Archives: September 2019

Update and ‘the plan’!

For all of you who have been concerned, I do have a bit of a health issue. It ain’t going to kill me, but I am NOT well. Doctors are working on it all, but they don’t have a final diagnosis. Just ruling out a lot of the scary stuff so far, so that is good.

Next is the continuing Internet issues. I have weak cell service as well, but I can answer emails and do some stuff with a hotspot, but that is about it. I live 25 miles from public wifi that is reliable. There is not a Starbucks for a hundred miles!

THE PLAN is to get the September issue out before the end of the month. I then will rely on ‘guest editors’ until I can stabilize my health (hopefully soon) AND my Internet. Check the submission guide for this month’s Guest Editor Bryan Rickert!!!

I hope this works and I am sorry. I usually am healthy as a horse so that is disturbing, AND we are working get Internet alternatives in the new year.



Oh well… My second I’m sorry!

Gonna be a few days before I get this issue done. My ISP is failing. We have two other companies working to get up and running here. I can post on Facebook or Instagram but now way can I edit a journal on a phone. Abbey and I wanted to get away anyway so this is just the time. They ‘think’ they will have the current issue stable by the weekend.

HOLD ANY SUBMISSIONS FOR NEXT MONTH! I have three ‘guest editors’ that will be filling in for me to finish the year, and hopefully one or the other of the two replacement Internet sources will be up by then. I am not going anywhere, but the impossible Internet issues just need to be cured. I would very much like to get back to my ‘five day’ response time and stable uploads (right now I cannot ‘upload’ at all to the servers) so that Failed Haiku can FAIL more efficiently. This old German/American can’t put up with things this way much longer.

I am working to get this issue up by the 14th! To add to the Internet issues I got sick and am just now getting back to what passes as normal. I ‘think’ it was an insect bite, but who knows?

Thanks for being so kind, and hang in there. If I have to I will rent a room at the Holiday Inn!!!