Monthly Archives: February 2016

Issue 3 is now ready for viewing!

Another large issue of Failed Haiku! This project is all about the poets, and that is what it has become for me, showing them in the best light possible. Included in this issue are some of the very best senryu/haiku poets, as well as some poets that are new to me. The most fun I have every month is reading the work of these fine poets, many of whom are my idols!

A wonderful group of haiga in this issue, some highly creative haibun, and some of my favorite poets. What could be better? Here is the link to the new issue:

Feel free to share this link with others, post it on your blogs or Facebook pages, or Tweet it to your Followers as well. We want the word to get out. Be sure to follow our Twitter feed:@SenryuJournal, and our Facebook page as well.

Thanks to the poets and artists who feed the machine!!!



Issue 3 will be out March 1st!

Well, the 3rd issue is a doozy, and for a short month we set another record! I want to thank everyone who reads, but particularily the poets who submit. You inspire me, and it is NO WORK at all to read your work . It truly is an honor when you share your work with me. The 3rd Issue will be posted at Midnight Eastern Time on March 1st. Thanks again to everyone who has helped me in this project.

Cast List for Issue 3

Dave Read
Gregory Longenecker
Jesus Chameleon
Ella Wagemakers
Devin Harrison
Meik Blöttenberger
Ramona Linke
Rachel Sutcliffe
Julie Warther
Reka Jellema
Mohammad Azim Khan
Elaine Andre
David J Kelly
Bhet Naieem
Lovette Carter
Elmedin Kadric
Ken Sawitri
Chen-ou Liu
Olivier Schopfer
Sandi Pray
Martha Magenta
Gergana Yaninska
Madhuri Pillai
Ola Lindberg
Catherine LoFrumento
Tatjana Debeljacki
Helen Buckingham
Archana Kapoor Nagpal
Mary White
Polona Oblak
Maya Lyubenova
Lynette Arden
Terri L. French
Nina Kovačić
Pat Geyer
Mark Gilbert
Yesha Shah
Eva Limbach
Myron Lysenko
Shloka Shankar
Marianne Paul
Sandip Chauhan
Roberta Beary
Sondra J. Byrnes
Duncan Richardson
Bruce Jewett
Marietta McGregor
Bob Lucky
Michael Schepers
Willie R. Bongcaron
Keith Woodruff
Joe McKeon
Jan Benson
Matthew Moffett
Jens Petter Kollhøj
Debbie Strange
Shrikaanth Krishnamurthy
Barbara Kaufmann
Mary Kendall
Robyn Cairns
Samar Ghose
Steve Hodge
Elizabeth Alford
Jill Lange
Christine L. Villa
Roman Lyakhovetsky