Monthly Archives: May 2016

The Sixth Issue of Failed Haiku is now UP!

The Sixth issue is now up and available for viewing! Lots to get your eyes around for this issue, and some new and many old friends of FH are included. You can download or read the PDF file here:
Cast List
In order of appearance
(all work copyrighted by the authors)
Willie R. Bongcaron
Bruce Jewett
Igor Damnjanović
Pris Campbell
Jesus Chameleon
Garry Eaton
Dave Read
Tatjana Debeljacki
Juha Nikki
Rachel Sutcliffe
Eva Limbach
Christina Martin
Adjei Agyei-Baah
Barbara Tate
Ian Willey
S.M. Kozubek
Helen Buckingham
Olivier Schopfer
Nola Frawley
Tracy Davidson
Valentina Ranaldi-Adams
Mohammad Azim Khan
Elmedin Kadric
Meik Blöttenberger
Christina Sng
Gergana Yaninska
Marshall Bood
Debbi Antebi
Melinda Hipple
Gabriel Sawicki
Thomas Tilton
G.R. LeBlanc
Shloka Shankar
Jo Balistreri
Julie Bloss Kelsey
Alegria Imperial
Chen-ou Liu
David J Kelly
Marietta Jane McGregor
Diarmuid Fitzgerald
Susan Burch
Mark Gilbert
Elizabeth Alford
Diana Petkova
Samantha Sirimanne Hyde & Marilyn Humbert
Madhuri Pillai
Barbara Kaufmann
Lynette Arden
Bob Lucky
Connie R Meester
Jill Lange
Bill Kenney
Myron Lysenko
Nina Kovačić
Steve Black
Zoran Doderovic
Ken Sawitri
Debbie Strange
David Oates
Janet Patton
Julie Warther
Kevin Valentine
Munia Khan
Shrikaanth Krishnamurthy
Chase Gagnon
Emmanuel Jessie Kalusian
Maeve O’Sullivan
S.M. Abeles
Sondra J. Byrnes

First Annual H. Gene Murtha Memorial Senryu Contest

First Annual H. Gene Murtha Memorial Senryu Contest

Gene Murtha, has left us, too soon, but his humor, tenderness, and a superb gift of imagination remains in his many poems, most of which you can find by searching ‘The Heron’s Nest‘. Gene touched on subjects and emotions that ran the gamut of a life that is fully lived. He loved nature, family, and his fellow poets. Any flaws that he had, and he would admit to many, were overshadowed by his ability to express the most complex emotions simply and directly. A few of his poems may provide you inspiration:

spring mist –
a mallard paddles
through our stillborn’s ashes

where my brother stood –
twilight chill

Berlin Wall
a smooth stone
in my pocket

Contest Rules

1. Only TWO submissions per poet.
2. Previously published work is fine, as are poems that have been workshopped or appeared on social media, with the exception of work that has previously appeared in either of Prunejuice or Failed Haiku.
3. Short submission time of 10 days. Submissions begin on May 15th beginning at 12:01 AM EDT, and must be in our email box by midnight EDT on May 25. Any emails received either before or after will NOT be judged.
4. All email submissions MUST be sent to:, with CONTEST in the Subject field.
5. Winners will be notified by June 15th, and their poems will be published in BOTH Prunejuice and Failed Haiku in the July 1 issues, with a write up by either Steve Hodge and Michael Rehling.
6. PRIZES: 1st Place: $50.00, 2nd Place: $25.00, 3rd Place: $25.00. All three of the winners will also receive a book of poetry by one of the following senryu poets: Alexis Rotella, Roberta Beary, or Alan Pizzarelli.
7. Judges for this contest are the editors of Prunejuice and Failed Haiku: Steve Hodge and Michael Rehling respectively.
STEVE HODGE                                          MIKE REHLING
Editor: Prunejuice                                      Editor: Failed Haiku