A few words, and an update!

  1. My Internet is back, although up and down. They ‘say’ that by the end of August they should have it ‘upgraded’ and ‘sorted’. They sound sincere, and at least now the interruptions are shorter in duration. I live in the woods, and this minor issue won’t change my love for the location. Thank you all for being understanding.
  2. I love editing Failed Haiku. The poets that submit make me happy. I will continue to do it. The current format will remain through the end of the year. Then, I will ‘give this old dog a new collar’. No announcements yet, I just want everyone to keep me busy for the next few months, and then I will let you know what the future holds.
  3. We accept, willingly and happily, PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED WORK.  Please send me the ‘good shit’ that you have written, regardless of it appearing somewhere else prior. I have never understood the prohibition on work that has appeared in another journal, on Facebook, Twitter, or whatever. I am happy to give your contest winner, your editor’s choice poem, or work from print or online journals another home. We do not publish attributions (just too much hassle), but it is YOUR poem, so please feel free to share it. No need to tell me about prior publication though, since it has no impact on my selections.
  4. People sometimes ask what I am looking for, and the answer is:  good poems! The niche we have chosen is:  ALL OF THEM!!! If you have something ‘senryuish’ that does not ‘fit’ somewhere else, send it in and give it a try! No one should consider this a slam at other editors, since every journal has to find it’s own way, and editors are only obligated to make clear what they are looking for, mine is a very open mind.



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